Review: Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews


Title: Magic Rises

Author: Ilona Andrews

Series: Kate Daniels #6

Publisher: Ace 

Publication date: 30 Jul 2013

Format: Paperback | 368 pages

Genre: Adult | Urban Fantasy 


Mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate, Curran, the Beast Lord, are struggling to solve a heartbreaking crisis. Unable to control their beasts, many of the Pack’s shapeshifting children fail to survive to adulthood. While there is a medicine that can help, the secret to its making is closely guarded by the European packs, and there’s little available in Atlanta.

Kate can’t bear to watch innocents suffer, but the solution she and Curran have found threatens to be even more painful. The European shapeshifters who once outmaneuvered the Beast Lord have asked him to arbitrate a dispute—and they’ll pay him in medicine. With the young people’s survival and the Pack’s future at stake, Kate and Curran know they must accept the offer—but they have little doubt that they’re heading straight into a trap…

My thoughts:

I have no idea what to think about what just happened. I've just been taken on one hell of an emotional roller coaster. This is most likely going to be a really short review just so I can stop myself from fangirling all over the place. 

I didn't think this series could get any better but this book blew every book before out of the water completely. There was so much action - and amazing action at that - I couldn't take it all in at once and ended up reading over the best fights over and over just to take in the sheer awesomeness that just happened. I'm hardly making any sense right now in all the excitement.

Magic Rises makes a huge step forward in terms of plot development. Everything pretty much changes in this book and I have a feeling it will carry on changing throughout the rest of the series. The cat is definitely out of the bag.

Overall I seriously enjoyed every moment of this read and I can't fault it for the life of me. I loved Curran and Kate's every moment together, all the action, the new characters and all the emotions this book has made me feel. Please, please, please read this series - you won't regret it.

My rating:  10/10


Ilona Andrews:




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Kate Daniels:




  1. Magic Bites
  2. Magic Burns
  3. Magic Strikes
  4. Magic Bleeds
  5. Magic Slays
  6. Magic Rises

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